Home Breast Ultrasound

Breast ultrasound is a useful adjunctive modality to evaluate a breast symptom. Ultrasounds are particularly useful for lumps and to further characterize an abnormality found on a mammogram or clinical breast exam. This exam is painless, noninvasive and safe. Breast ultrasound can also act as a supplemental modality to screen for breast cancer in women. For instance, women with dense breast or an increased risk for breast cancer can benefit from added ultrasounds.
At the Pink Door Imaging, we perform breast ultrasound exams using state-of-the-art ultrasound technology. This exam only takes around 15 to 20 minutes. The ultrasound exam will greatly benefit patients who are at an elevated risk of breast cancer. Those who have dense breast or other risk factors are recommended to adding breast ultrasound as a supplement to mammography. As a supplement, ultrasound screening can help detect things missed by a mammography. For example, in dense breast there are more glandular and connective tissues. As a result, this dense tissue makes it difficult for a mammogram to detect some cancers.
Due to there being no radiation in the breast ultrasound exam, it is much safer for patients. Instead of radiation, breast ultrasounds use sound waves to produce images of the breast’s internal structures. This exam is also ideal for imaging the breast in young and pregnant women in whom mammography is not an option. We have some of the best trained sonographers in Houston, who perform our breast ultrasound exams.
Breast Ultrasounds can help diagnose:
- Solid tumors in the breast and characterize them to determine if biopsy is needed.
- Abscess
- Cysts
- Abnormalities of the ducts in those with a nipple discharge.