Tips for Post-Mammogram Anxiety

Mammograms become a consistent part of many women’s life after the age of forty. For others, it may be sooner if they have a family history of breast cancer. Despite mammograms becoming a regular part of women’s health appointments, they can still be anxiety provoking. This is completely understandable as your mind can be all over the place thinking about the results. Below you will find some helpful tips for post-mammogram anxiety to help keep you at ease until you get your results.

Mammogram Anxiety

Roughly 12% of Americans are diagnosed with breast cancer. This can cause a stir in your mind if you are up for your annual mammography exam. However, anxiety and stress can have a harmful impact on your body, so it’s important to focus on remaining calm. This can be difficult, but it’s possible.

A mammogram appointment will likely take a few hours. Depending on your medical provider and the specific medical professional you see, the results can take up to two weeks. Two weeks can be a very long time to wait if you are feeling anxious about the results. If you do not have any healthy go-to coping skills when it comes to stress and anxiety, consider the tips below.

Tips for Post-Mammogram Anxiety

Talk About It:

Call a close friend or family member and let them know how you’re feeling. It’s best if they have experienced a mammogram as they can directly sympathize with your fears and anxiety. Let them know you would appreciate some extra support during the waiting period. This may be in the form of texts, phone calls, or even a couple of lunch dates. Let them know how they can support you during this time.

Stay Active Outside:

Anxiety can be daunting on your mind, body, and soul. Get outside in the sunshine (don’t forget your SPF!) and walk around. If you have children, play some outdoor games to pass the time. Physical activity outdoors has been proven to be effective against the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Stay Busy:

While sometimes staying busy can be seen as avoiding your problems, in this case it’s the opposite. You may feel so much anxiety due to the unknown when it comes to when you will find out your results in addition to what they will be. Try and fill your calendar and stay busy to keep your mind off of ruminating on your anxiety and fears.

No Google Searches:

One of the difficulties with medical anxiety today is the advent of the internet. Anyone can type in their symptoms and get crazy results that can shoot your anxiety through the roof. Understand that your medical provider will give you all of the information you need as they are the experts. While a second opinion is completely understandable, that second opinion should not come from your Google search results.

Focused Relaxation:

Whether you pray, meditate, or both, double up during this period. Meditating or praying can provide you with some perspective when it comes to what’s happening. Finding a way to release control and understand that no matter what happens, you will be able to handle the situation is an invaluable state of mind, especially during times of stress.

Mammograms in Houston

It is vital for your overall health to attend your regular women’s health appointments and get your annual mammograms in Houston. If it’s time for you to schedule a mammogram appointment, contact Pink Door Imaging. Dr. Mahesh Shetty has decades of experience in women’s health. Pink Door Imaging offers an integrated approach to women’s health, and they are mindful of patient anxiety and fears. Their goal is to educate, relieve any patient anxiety, and guide patient’s in making the best decision for them no matter what their health issue is. Contact Pink Door Imaging today for an appointment!

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